Employee injury screening for musculoskeletal complaints while at work
Workplace assessments to identify potential musculoskeletal injuries
Return to Work (RTW) programs for injured employees returning to their jobs
Musculoskeletal screening for employees involved with non-work related issues
Direct meetings & meet regularly with safety professionals to improve the workplace

Employee injury screening

for musculoskeletal complaints

If an employee experiences musculoskeletal pain while at work, WorkSafe Solutions is able to see them either on-site or virtually for a work-related musculoskeletal injury screen.  70% of the time employees do not need to go to urgent care or the emergency room. Companies are constantly trying to reduce OSHA recordable injuries and trips to the urgent care/ER.  WorkSafe Solutions drastically reduces the urgent care and emergency room visits for job-related injuries. which saves them money on direct, in-direct, and total costs of work-related MSK injuries as well as reducing workers comp premiums that rise when it comes to injuries.

Workplace assessments

to identify potential musculoskeletal injuries

Workplace assessments to identify potential musculoskeletal injuries: this would be considered a traditional workstation/ergonomic assessment of an employees workstation to assess posture, proper desk height, proper keyboard set-up, proper chair positioning, and assessing the need for new and more ergonomically sound equipment like a new chair, adding a stool, standing desk, etc. This is a preventative method that research has shown for 20-30 years reduces MSK injuries in the workplace and improves employee efficiency and morale.

Return to Work (RTW) Programs

for injured employees returning to their jobs

Return to Work (RTW) programs for injured employees returning to their jobs: This service provides re-education for the employee on proper ergonomics prior to re-engaging in the workplace. This also includes a workstation assessment to prevent further injury.

Musculoskeletal screening for employees

involved with non-work related issues

Musculoskeletal screening for employees involved with non-work related issues: This service has become more and more popular in the workplace with the companies I work with. Essentially, this is a service for people who are actively engaging in work without issues, but may have had an injury or MSK issue that occurred outside of work. This allows the employee to be seen at work for an assessment and education to combat any future issues and prevent the injury from exacerbating further. This drastically reduces future OSHA recordable injuries and provides the employee with an on-site medical representative to help with their complaint.

Attend safety meetings

and meet regularly with safety professionals

Ability to attend safety meetings and meet regularly with safety professionals to improve the overall health and wellness in the workplace: This is the most collaborative part of the service offerings.  Not only do I provide the above mentioned services, but I work hand in hand with the safety professional in the workplace to collaborate from a leadership perspective to ensure all leadership understands the services.  I attend safety meetings to get feedback and updates from supervisors on what is needed to provide a safe work environment from a MSK perspective.  I have found this is extremely important in the proactive nature of what we are trying to accomplish: REDUCTION IN OSHA RECORDABLE INJURIES, DECREASE COSTS, AND INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY AS A RESULT

Create a safer workplace

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